How I Went from 0 to 300k/year as a freelancer

(And how you can copy the exact steps)

Watch this free webinar to study one of the most important frameworks that helped me build my $300k agency

Do you relate to this?

99% Agencies & freelancers are stuck in the endless rut of low-paying clients and feeling directionless… Are you one of them?

Making less than 2 lacs/month through your agency business?

Stuck with clients that don’t value your expertise?

Feeling lost and demotivated which slows your momentum?

Get rid of what is holding you back.

I have been where you are. And looking at the other side, I want to help you defeat the mental & strategic blockers that are holding you back.

But only if you want to help yourself (this is not a magic pill)

This Program Will Be Ideal For

Graphic Design

UI/UX Designers

Motion Graphics

Web Developers

Content Writer

Digital Marketers


Coaches & Consultants

Service Businesses

Have helped 100s of freelancers reach 2+ lacs/month

Our Students Disrupted The Indian Freelance Industry!

Tushar Singh

Founder @ Orange Tribe

Chirag Puri

Founder @ LogoSaysLove

Suvam Sahoo

Founder @ Team Knox

I have been through your pain myself... I can understand

Early Days:

  • Finished B.Tech & realized It was a waste of time
  • Distracted & unmotivated
  • Directionless & underconfident

Freelancing Struggles

  • Struggled as a freelancer
  • Did not pay myself for the first 6 months
  • 0 Savings left

Uncovering The Secret 💎

  • Built Confetti.Design in India
  • Started Suplex.Design in Dubai
  • Annual rate of 3 Crore in 2024

This Program Will

This Program Will Not

If that works for you…


Watch Netflix

and continue to do what you have been doing

Watch the free webinar I have made for you and join the waitlist for when we launch the complete RoadTo10x program for FREE

Frequently Asked Questions

You will get exclusive discounts for the complete program once its released as well as an early access and a 1:1 video call with me, Rishabh where you can ask all your questions to grow your freelance/agency business

The complete program is set to be released in March 2025

Yes, 100%. This program will be suitable for anyone who wants to scale to the 2-lac/month mark.

Yes, 100%.

Yes, we will create a community for all the people join the waitlist! Here you will meet likeminded freelancers & agency owners that will help you grow!

You Are 1-Step Away

Please share the following info to join the waitlist.

We will email you once the program on this email ID